Over the past few months, we have seen a wide increase in scope of digital marketing. The entire world has been facing the problem of COVID that led to change in customer purchase behaviour from direct to online market. Many of the companies during the times of pandemic were shutdown leading to vast unemployment. But few industries had better growth during the COVID situation such as medicals stores, hospitals, online marketing etc. In this blog let us discuss on how the time changed leading to increase in scope of online market.
Fear of pandemic
At the present scenario, we are not much scared of the situation as vaccines are available and also people have taken the pandemic as a part of their daily routine. But there was a time, that we all were scared of the disease. Many even claimed it’s the end of human race! As always, the scam stories always spread faster than the truth. People even claimed death within few weeks of been infected. Others, claimed it’s a bioweapon of China. Well, many stories were spread across the world. Although, many stories are scam there are few stories that are yet to be answered. But this fear has made many of us to stay out of public place including visiting places like shops, parks, religious places such as church, mosque, temple etc. This fear has really made an advantage to e-commerce platform.
Increase in scope of digital marketing

The digital marketing is simply termed as the use of the digital platforms for advertising your product or service. Digital marketing can cover a wide area of market base. Digital marketing involves blogging, email marketing, paid social media campaign marketing, etc. As world is changing with the increase in technologies and upgradation, the use of digital marketing will also increase. The e-commerce companies such as Alibaba, Amazon, Flipkart, etc is pushing the use of digital marketing for purchase of products as well as search engine platform such as Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. is gaining revenue from the website owners who are trying to capture the first page in search tab. For all this purpose the companies have been adding many digital marketing strategies and has always been updating their presence in the market.
Will digital marketing ever rule the world?
This question is already out of date as the global market is almost under the rules of digital market. The increase in scope of digital marketing has really changed the face of marketing. In traditional marketing, the scope of marketing faced limitation in communication. Sellers or buyers were only having few areas for purchasing or selling their product. Introduction of digital marketing has changed the scope of marketing that it was easier for buyers and sellers all around the world to communicate. It has opened a world-wide window for purchase and sale of the product and service. To reach out to the potential customers the business had to find trending digital marketing strategies.
Now the question will be what are the trending strategies in digital marketing world for capture more traffic.
Here are few digital marketing trends that could rule the future:
Content marketing
The content marketing plays an important role in the increase in the scope of digital marketing. “Content is the king” as the phrase suggests, it should be fresh, precise, and clear. For this, you should be able to come up with fresh and interesting topics to write and bring the eyes of users into the blog.
Infographic content
Infographic content is content that is easier to understand. It involves presenting in an attractive way to project a piece of content. Infographic involves the use of more images to the content. Infographics content can increase more engagement rate than content marketing.
Audience engagement
For any business to be successful, they require to keep a good relation with their clients. People are more interested to engage in some interesting content that can help in building promotion of business brand than just promoting your brand. For instance: Polls and contest, when you ask review from the customers, this surely increase more engagement of customers.
Social media
The Social media platform has been changing each and every day with increased involvement of several new features. Thus, the use of social media has changed from simple use of chatting purpose to several other purpose. Every business needs to maintain its strong presence in the social media for digital marketing. Always keep your social media page well optimized and updated. Users prefer to analyse your company based on your social media presence.
Live videos
Live video streaming is keeping on trending as more and more people are engaging to it than any other form of content engagement. Sharing a content with video blog is much better way to bring attention of the users. A short video with interesting content can grab more attention. There has been lots of video platform introduced for promoting your business brands and creating engagement such as TikTok, Youtube, Insta-reels etc.
Conclusion: Increase in scope of digital marketing – Will digital marketing ever rule the world?
World has been already conquered by digital marketing. And there will always be increase in scope of digital marketing for the coming future. The fear of pandemic has already changed the purchasing behavior from direct purchase to the online market.